Thursday, January 2, 2014


Free Download The Game Warcraft III Frozen Throne ~ Link Download From IndoWebster File Size 440MB | This one game is the expansion of the Warcraft 3: Region Of Chaos. In the expansion Warcraft III Frozen Throne Full Version, there are some new additions such as an additional hero for each race four additional new campaign of a new neutral race five new neutral hero the ability to set up shop and others. For further please try it for yourself.

Minimal system requirements 
OS:Windows 2000 / XP / Vista:
CPU: 400 MHz Pentium II or equivalent
Memory: 128 MB of RAM
Video Card: 8 MB 3D video card (TNT, i810, Voodoo 3, Rage 128 equivalent or better) with DirectX 8.1 support
Hard Drive: 700 MB HD space
Cd Drive: 4X CD-ROM drive
OS: Macintosh OS X 10.3.9. or higher:
CPU: 400 MHz G3 processor
Memory: 128 MB of RAM
Video Card: 16 MB ATI Technologies or nVidia chipset 3D video card
Hard Drive: 700 MB HD space
CD Drive: 4X CD-ROM drive
Recommended System Requirements: 
CPU: 600 MHz processor
Virtual Memory: 256 MB of RAM
Video Card: 32 MB 3D video card
Sound Card: DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card
- Low-latency, active Internet connection rated at 28.8 Kbps or faster.
- LAN play requires TCP/IP connection.


The Frozen Throne   - Patch

setelah file nya kamu download,install gamenya dengan cara mengextract.rar tadi dengan password ozpoz_hmm  

lalu buka folder yang telah di extract tadi>>Install.exe>>Klik Install
lalu pilih DRIVE Yang akan kamu install misal ke C\Program Files\Warcraft3\

Massukkan CDkeynya (ada di folder Razor )

atau disini

Frozen Throne 

Semoga berhasil.lalu klik OK dah installasi baru berlangsung
setelah selesai jangan di jalankan dulu
Teruzz kamu download patchnya (yang ada di atas tadi)
>><<Taruh patchnya di dalam folder warcraft kamu lalu jalanin,selesai



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