Noteworthy in its use may have known that the canon has 3 working modes are: normal mode, service mode, and the latter is a low-level mode.
If normal mode normal mode works when the printer is working normally, while the service mode works now operational service mode (by pressing a certain Button2 will enter service mode). and the latter is the low level mode, the last mode it works on the eeprom. That the third mode is needed when using this software for operating MPTool eeprom.
To enter the low mode the procedure is almost the same level as entrance to the mode ‘service mode’ ie with steps pressing certain buttons following the order-order:
• Turn the printer off (unplug power)
• Push and hold the printer power
• Connect the printer power cable
• Press and release the resume button
• Release the power button (in case of detection of new hardware, install the printer driver, will be detected as “Canon MP XXX Low-Level Mode”)
• Push and hold the printer power
• Connect the printer power cable
• Press and release the resume button
• Release the power button (in case of detection of new hardware, install the printer driver, will be detected as “Canon MP XXX Low-Level Mode”)